Ayush Sekhari

Ayush Sekhari

Ayush Sekhari

Contact Details

Email: sekhari [at] mit [dot] edu

I am a postdoctoral assosicate at MIT working with Prof. Sasha Rakhlin. I am interested in all theoretical aspects of Machine Learning. Recently, I have been working on high-dimensional stochastic optimization, and reinforcement learning (RL).

I completed my Ph.D. in Computer Science at Cornell University, where I was fortunate to be advised by Prof. Karthik Sridharan and Prof. Robert D. Kleinberg. Prior to Cornell, I completed my undergraduate education from Indian Institute of Techonology Kanpur (IIT Kanpur), India, and after that, spent a year at Google Research as a part of the Brain Residency program (now called AI Residency).

PhD Thesis: Non-convex and Interactive Learning via Stochastic Optimization

I am on the 2024/25 job market.


Preprints / Under Submission

Work Experience

  • Google Brain Residency Program, CA

Teaching Assistant at Cornell University

Learning Theory Alliance

I am a part of the Learning Theory Alliance (LetAll) organizing committee.

Our mission is to develop a strong, supportive learning theory community and ensure its healthy growth by fostering inclusive community engagement and encouraging active contributions from researchers at all stages of their careers .

Please feel free to contact us for any questions / feedback / suggesions regarding LetAll. We would love to hear from you.

Other Professional Activities


    • Journals: Journal of Complexity 2021, JMLR (2020-22)
    • Conferences: COLT (2019-22), NeurIPS (2019-22), ALT (2020-22), ICLR 2019, AISTATS 2019, ICML (2019-21), ISIT 2020, ITCS 2020, FORC 2021